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- Mice in Love V1.0
- (C) by Guido Wegener 2.2.1990
- Eisenacher Str. 2
- 5300 Bonn 1
- West Germany
- This program is Freeware and may be copied as long as this .doc-file is
- included and no profit is made by distribution.
- You may use parts of this program if you mention the author.
- LoveMice is the short form of Mice In Love, but isn't much shorter.
- So much for the name, now let's look at the program !
- The idea is from Scientific American (Spektrum der Wissenschaft).
- There are a number n of mice sitting in equal distance on a circle.
- (I just want to give an example, don't try it with real mice, but if
- you do, please send me some photos of your experiments.)
- All of these mice are gay and every mouse loves it's neighbour in a way
- that every mouse k loves the mouse k+1, mouse n-1 loves mouse 0 (we
- little computer people count different than humans, you see).
- The room with the mice is very dark and they can't smell each other.
- From time to time the lights go on. At this moment every mouse looks
- for the one it loves and the computer draws a line in the direction in
- which the mouse looks. When the lights go off again, every mouse runs
- in the direction of it's mate with a speed relative to the distance.
- That causes the mice to run in a very cute pattern until all of them
- meet in the center and ... (remember, they are gay !).
- This is what the computer does :
- It draws some points on a circle and moves them a fix fraction of the
- distance to the next point and draws the connecting line between them
- in the color of the first point of the two.
- This is what the computer wants to know :
- a) the part of the distance each mouse moves each time
- (distance/x where x is an integer number you give the computer)
- you should use values between 2 (calculated as 1/2) and 100 (=1/100)
- b) the number of mice
- you can use numbers between 2 and about 32 (I don't know, I wrote the
- program long ago)
- c) the way the mice are connected
- That is difficult to say, let's try it this way :
- The mice are numbered from 0 to n-1.
- The start positions are also numbered from 0 to n-1 in the way the
- numbers on a watch are numbered (you know, analog watches !).
- You start with mice 0 => so the first number is 0.
- Then you think about at which position of the mouse it loves and
- tell the computer about the start number.
- Go on like that until you have got a row of n numbers where every number
- from 0 to n-1 is used once.
- An example :
- You want 7 mice and each mouse should love the next but one (<- my
- dictionary told my to say it that way but I mean "übernächst").
- The mice are sitting this way :
- 0
- 6 1
- 5 2
- 4 3
- 0 loves 2,2 loves 4,4 loves 6,6 loves 1,1 loves 3,3 loves 5
- and 5 loves 0.
- How the computer wants to hear it :
- 0,2,4,6,1,3,5
- (Just list the positions of the mice in the order in which they love
- each other.)
- Isn't it easy ?
- d) the colors in which the lines between the mice should be drawn
- Just list the R,G,B values of the color of each mouse from 0 to n-1.
- Thar means that every mouse needs a color consisting of 3 values from
- 0 to 15 describing the intensity of red, green and blue.
- That will lead to n*3 numbers.
- This is how to tell it the computer :
- Make a text (ASCII) file with all the values we talked about before in
- that order.
- Use some not numerical characters between the numbers.
- An example :
- TUBEWINGS (<- the name doesn't matter)
- data for Mice In Love by Guido Wegener of CLUSTER (<- that doesn't matter,
- too, but I like it)
- 15 (<- that means 1/15 and is the fraction of the distance each mouse moves)
- 8 (<- number of mice)
- 0,4,2,6,7,3,5,1 (<- the way in which the mice are connected, in this case :
- mice 0 loves mice 4,4 loves 2,2 loves 6 ...)
- 2,11,10 (<- color of mouse 0 (Red=2,Green=11,Blue=10))
- 6,9,15 (<- color for next mouse)
- 8,15,15 (<- and again a color)
- 8,11,14 (<- is this boring)
- 8,11,14 (<- stupid)
- 8,15,15 (<- stupid cupid)
- 6,9,15 (<- a color)
- 2,11,10 (<- color of mouse at position n-1)
- end of this file
- The number used in the parentheses are illegal and would cause the computer
- to smoke and smell bad, so don't use any numbers except the ones the computer
- wants !
- Save this file anywhere (not to NIL: or PRT:).
- Then call LoveMice from the CLI whith one parameter which is the path from
- the current directory to the ASCII file.
- This is what to do if it doesn't work :
- Get lost !
- This is how to use the demo-patterns :
- There should be some files (x,uhu,triangel,fighter,...) somewhere on this
- disk. They could be in the same directory as this file or in a subdirectory
- called something like 'Mice'.
- For example :
- lovemice mice/tubewings
- will call Mice In Love an draw the pattern tubewings in the directory
- mice
- Exit (why should you do that) by clicking the close gadget.
- Don't be angry if you find some errors in this .doc file, I am running
- MandelMountains from Fish 295 in the background and it slows down the
- computer quite a bit and I am typing so fast.
- . . _ _
- ª ð
- If you can read this, we (CLUSTER (=CLUb of the maSTERs))
- managed to release some of our products, so let's party !
- __
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- |champ-|
- | agne |
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- --
- Bye buy, stay loony =-) and help the PD-scene :> .
- (And use crazy chars like ×x±æßð£å°©®þ¤µ¡ø¶»«·¾½¼°³@¹)
- CLUSTER is a legal programming formation mainly working on Amiga, coding
- Freeware (and perhaps some commercial programs later).
- CLUSTER was founded on January 1989 with the following members:
- André Wichmann, Guido Wegener, Martin Rosenkranz, Martin Baumann, Philipp
- Witkop, Stefan Kaspari, Stefan Lietzow and Giang Nguyen.
- Then we reduced our members to the best and got a new programmer.
- Now, on 20.3.1990, we have the following members:
- André Wichmann Coding
- Guido Wegener Coding
- Martin Mohr Coding
- Martin Rosenkranz Graphics
- Philipp Witkop Digitizing
- If you want to contact any member of CLUSTER (legal !!!) then write to
- our address:
- André Wichmann
- Posener Weg 4
- 5300 Bonn 1
- West Germany
- André will give the letter to the addressed member.
- Send errors, corrections, supporting ideas, criticism, enthusiastic fan-
- letters and money to the author: Guido Wegener
- Eisenacher Str. 2
- 5300 Bonn 1
- West Germany